Monday, October 13, 2008

Skipping School For Good Cause!

A couple of weeks ago I got a surprise visit from my friends Gabby, Anthony, and Matt.
I introduced Anthony in one of my first blogs. He is 12 years old and started fishing with us last summer and he was immediately Hooked! Gabby is his mother, a former co-worker and one who I consider a good friend. Matt is Anthony's younger brother, he is 8 I believe.
When they came over Anthony started asking when we fish, and saying how much he missed fishing with us this summer.
Well...... I never said I was a good influence when it comes to kids! I in fact warn parents that I am only 12, myself! We were able to talk Gabby into letting the boys skip a day of school and come fishing on the boat! Gabby thought it was a good idea to take the day off herself!
So, October 10 Lori was off work and the 5 of us went fishing!
It started off overcast, and a tad bit chilly and the bite wasn't that great either. But the sun came out in the afternoon and warmed things up and the fish were a little more playful so we ended up having a really good day! Everyone caught fish and Anthony was able to out fish all of us and Gabby was a pro! She is a natural! She caught a few and Matt caught a few and Anthony caught the most and the biggest! Too bad we weren't playing for dollars!! Next time Buddy!!
We helped another stranded sailor! Once again we were over on the Coronado side and we ran accross a guy standing on his Jet Ski waving us down. His ride pooped out on him so we towed him back to the launch. It always feels good to help people out, but why do they have to interupt my fishing time?! Just kidding! It's always a pleasure.
So, enough drabble! Check out the pics!

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