Monday, October 20, 2008


Another day off from fishing! What has become of me?!!
This week I went with Leslie and Gabby to Tecate Mexico so Gabby's cousin could do Leslie's hair.
We really had a good time! It's funny how such a simple trip accross the border could be so much fun when you're with the right people!
Gabby drove us down and we started off by stopping at the bakery and getting some bread with cream cheese and jalepino's and some sweet breads. Then we went on to the cousin's house and Gabby and I watched as Leslie got her hair colored and highlighted.
When we left there we went into town and got some tortilla's and some more sweet breads to bring home. But the best part of the day was the lunch we had before leaving!!!
We went to a little brick building and sat in the back and ordered 2 fish taco's each.... They were sooooooo good we had to order 1 more each! That wasn't enough, so Gabby had another fish taco and Leslie and I shared shrimp cervichi..... don't know if I spelled it right but I tasted it right and man oh man have I been missing out on some yummy food!!
I need to go back to Mexico at least once a month so I can enjoy the culture a little more and eventually get a little more fluent in spanish!! I am semi fluent in spanglish and Gabby has been trying to teach me more, but I'm slower that I thought in picking up on the lingo!
Anyway........ the pictures are of Leslie during her transformation and after the finishing touch.
A fireman and the fire station there in Tecate, Gabby and Leslie enjoying an ice cream treat during the border wait, and a man at the border crossing with only one leg. I have issues that are a little hard to explain here, but anyway, I had to get a picture of the fireman and the one legged guy! Mexican culture and an immiture 44 year old adult..... Hmmmm!!
We really did have a good time!! I could give up a fishing day here and there for trips like this!
We can still call it a Fish Friday tho! We did have the sea food lunch!!
Until next time............... If ya can't fish, then just order a couple of Taco's de Pescada and look for a one legged Mexican at the border and have a good time!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Skipping School For Good Cause!

A couple of weeks ago I got a surprise visit from my friends Gabby, Anthony, and Matt.
I introduced Anthony in one of my first blogs. He is 12 years old and started fishing with us last summer and he was immediately Hooked! Gabby is his mother, a former co-worker and one who I consider a good friend. Matt is Anthony's younger brother, he is 8 I believe.
When they came over Anthony started asking when we fish, and saying how much he missed fishing with us this summer.
Well...... I never said I was a good influence when it comes to kids! I in fact warn parents that I am only 12, myself! We were able to talk Gabby into letting the boys skip a day of school and come fishing on the boat! Gabby thought it was a good idea to take the day off herself!
So, October 10 Lori was off work and the 5 of us went fishing!
It started off overcast, and a tad bit chilly and the bite wasn't that great either. But the sun came out in the afternoon and warmed things up and the fish were a little more playful so we ended up having a really good day! Everyone caught fish and Anthony was able to out fish all of us and Gabby was a pro! She is a natural! She caught a few and Matt caught a few and Anthony caught the most and the biggest! Too bad we weren't playing for dollars!! Next time Buddy!!
We helped another stranded sailor! Once again we were over on the Coronado side and we ran accross a guy standing on his Jet Ski waving us down. His ride pooped out on him so we towed him back to the launch. It always feels good to help people out, but why do they have to interupt my fishing time?! Just kidding! It's always a pleasure.
So, enough drabble! Check out the pics!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Well........ It wasn't a very eventful day all together, but once again it's always nice just to be out on the water with friends!
I made my 4 bucks for catching the first fish! Then it was a little while and after moving a time or two before Crenda and Chris each caught one each then Stacey.
Then all of a suddon we realized that Christopher was just cleaning up! He ended up catching the most, 9, and the biggest, a shark! He caught a nice size bass and for the way things were seeming we decided to just measure the fish to determine the biggest. Then Stacey caught a halibut that was about 3 inches longer than his bass.
But right before we left Chris pulled in a nice little shark! He was longer than the halibut, but the weight was probably favored by the halibut. We should have been weighing them instead cause this shark was prize money for Chris!
I hope to catch a few more sharks and bigger would be great! They aren't as slimy as the other fish and I find them very intriguing!
I'm beginning to wonder if my job on the boat is to get everyone to a good fishing hole and then take the fish off their hooks!
I have a gross story for that! Stacey caught a lizzard fish and the little bugger swallowed the lure, they normally get the hook in their eye or their nose but rarely do the lizzards swallow the lure as deep as this guy did. I was trying so hard to retrieve this hook without doing too much damage to the little guy and unfortunately I realized that it may have been too late. But for the fortune of another creature this lizzard lost his head, Stacey got her lure back and Petunia Pelican got lunch!! To be honest, it was harder to watch him suffer as I was tugging on the hook than it was to whack it's head off! And it was nice to be able to feed Petunia fresh meat!!
Next week it will be my little buddy Anthony and his mom, Gabby and I think I was able to talk Lori into spending the day with us. I really hope it's a productive day for Anthony! He hasn't been for quite awhile and he says he has Fishymoto pretty bad, and Dr. Hashiguchi says that he must hit the water and wash away this ailment!
I hope to remember my camera and have a good story lined up for my next entry.
Is anyone even reading this? I feel like I spend a lot of time talking to myself these days and when I get on here I hope that there is someone that is getting a little entertainment out of this crap I conjure up!
Until next time................... Keep it Reel!